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The inevitable ubiquity of AI requires us to redefine art.

I want to redefine art.  In the age of ai “WHAT IS ART?” has never been more important to us as artists.


Here’s my stab at it:  Art is the product of any creative process that a sentient being (which  experiences qualia) engages in, especially when inspired by a desire for their product to evoke qualia in other beings.

Let's adopt that, eh?

I think it covers all forms of art and will even apply when machines simulate sentience perfectly enough to experience it for real.

What do you think?

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17 mars
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Good morning, Murphy. I thought your definition was interesting, and it caused me to look up the definition of qualia 🙂 If I were to add anything to your definition, it might be to say that the purpose of art is to provide pleasure and/or meaning, or to provoke philosophical reflection on the work of art. Whether AI will ever be capable of thought and reflection, I do not know.

Also, I like the picture on the right above, with "eyes" in the coffee ":-)


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